Community Housing Impact and Preservation Program (CHIP)

Provides grants and loans to income eligible homeowners living within Ross County, Ohio. The purpose of the CHIP program is to repair housing conditions that pose a threat to the health and safety of the occupants, or pose an ongoing threat to the structural integrity of the home. CHIP funding is federal funding administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The State of Ohio annually receives a portion of CHIP funding from HUD and is administered by the Ohio Department of Development, Office of Community Development (ODOD, OCD).

Improvements may include such items as: roofs, gutters and downspouts, windows and doors, electrical, plumbing, heating, insulation, foundations, handicapped accessibility bathroom upgrades, water heaters, handicap accessibility improvements, lead-based paint hazard controls, etc. The CHIP applicant must own and reside in the home in Ross County, Ohio.

Please contact Joanne Price at the Ross County Planning Department by email at for more information.

Get in Touch with Us

Ross County, Ohio Planning & Development

(740) 702-3008

15 N. Paint Street, Suite 200
Chillicothe, Ohio 45601